10/22: Finally working less, starting Christmas Presents

Finishing up with a contract that took more time than I realized. For awhile there, it felt awful, because there was NO energy to put towards any of my freelance work. Sadly, I had to disappoint some of the clients I had at the time because of the work constraints. Going to try and get back into the swing of things first before I venture back into the field.
Now working solely from Krita- aside from every company encouraging the usage of Adobe, I’m starting to be completely baffled as to why anyone would pick that program over the other options out there (in regards to illustrative technology). Below are some draft pieces that were made in the program, all building in their own unique mediums. I cannot praise Krita (or it’s wonderful selection of brushes!) enough.

Will do my best to get back onto the weekly bandwagon of posting; though now till the end of November will be a lot of drafts of the presents I am making for friends and family (hey, it’s one way to both boost my portfolio, and divert money back into paying debt. All it requires is effort and time!)

Andrea Charais