The Rest of December- 1/6th: So Animation takes work


I’ve learned a valuable lesson throughout the end of the new year. In my determination to create a successful animation project that I can FINALLY add to my portfolio, I ran out of time on some of my other projects. I’m not proud of this, because as someone striving to create a professional career, I need to be able to know how much I can take on to meet my deadlines.

I want to say thank you to all friends and family who basically didn’t see me for the last two weeks of December (excluding the actual holidays), because I had to choose work over festivities. Thank you also to all clients who were flexible with time periods extending into January.

But MAAAAAN, I FRICKIN’ DID IT! I COMPLETED THE ANIMATION! IT’S POSTED! I’ve come a long way in just a year- January 2019 me wouldn’t have dreamed of this possibility. Now, I can’t wait to be even better by this time next year.

In addition to the link for Poetic Poison’s video, here are some drafts/completed projects that I am working on:

Nick and Lara1.jpg
CP TMae.jpg
Andrea Charais